About Us
Our Philosophy
The most important person in our office is the patient. The concept of patient care rather than dental work must permeate every visit. Once patients come to feel that we are doing something for them and with them rather than to them, then they begin to share in their own oral care. The natural outcome for us then is a devotion to the ideas and ideals of preventive dentistry. We give each day the best service we are capable of to the patient. Personal continuing education and improvement are necessary to achieve this goal. Further, consultations with other dentists and physicians, and appropriate referrals when indicated are a part of our care for the patient.
Our auxiliary personnel are chosen with the above goals in mind, and we make every effort to have each of them feel that this is our office and not mine alone. Indeed, I find it necessary to have personnel who really believe in these goals and become such an important part of the patient’s care that they enjoy the delivery of dental care as much as I do.
Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities of insurance contracts. Please inform us of any changes to your insurance coverage.
Your estimated patient portion must be paid at the time of service. As a service to our patients, we will bill insurance companies for services. If claims are not paid within 60 days, you are responsible for the balance. If you have any questions, our courteous staff is always available to answer them.